31 August 2009

CAP Aircrew "Find" in Georgia

Georgia Wing aircrew tracked an ELT to fatal crash site in Brooks County, Georgia.  Links to stories below.

CAP Online News.

WALB News 10.

Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

30 August 2009

NERPA505 Update

Greetings 505! I hope everyone had a great weekend. School starts Tuesday, so those of us who drive need to be alert of for children and school buses. This is a great time to talk to friends and classmates about CAP! We will start working on school visits to set up informational and recruiting displays right away. I will try to let cadets know when we will be visiting their school.

Thanks to Lts. Brian Orris and Pat Farrell for renewing their memberships, returning our strength to fourteen. Although neither have been able to attend meetings regularly, they are both assets to our squadron and are appreciated for what they are able to do.

(1) Tuesday is testing and safety briefing night. The uniform of the day is BDUs. Everyone who needs PT should bring appropriate exercise and running gear. The safety briefing is needed by all members in order to participate in anything other than classroom activities.
(2) Cadets Evan Matheny and Daniel Hagberg will give a brief report on what they learned during the Cadet Advisory Council meeting. Captain Hagberg will advise us on pertinent information from the Commander's Call.
(3) There is a Group 6 SAREX planned for 23-25 Oct, possibly in the Franklin area. The goal is to get as many Group 6 members signed off on Ground Team Member Level III as possible. We have covered enough material in our ES classes over the summer that we should have no trouble getting all active members signed off. Please plan ahead and mark your calendars.
(4) The squadron plans to conduct a fundraiser at BiLo Market on 4 Sep, the Friday before Labor Day weekend. We need enough manpower, seniors, cadets, or parents, to staff the hot dog stand and, hopefully, a table with a display inside the foyer of the store. Please let Capt Hagberg know if you can help.
(5) Please keep track of when your membership is due to expire and plan to renew in advance. If you allow your membership to lapse, you will not be able to renew on eServices and will have to do it by mail or phone.

Semper Vigilans!

See you Tuesday!

Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

25 August 2009

Fla. cadet earns Spaatz 5 yrs. after joining CAP

CAP has some exceptional people, senior members and cadets. But, we all knew that didn't we? Take a minute to read about a Florida cadet who recently earned the Spaatz Award, CAP's highest for cadets by selecting this link to gocivilairpatrol.com.
Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

23 August 2009

NERPA505 Update

Greetings 505!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and that preparations for the new school year are going well.  Have you invited a guest to the meeting

(1) Tuesday is Aerospace Education emphasis.  The uniform of the day is BDUs.
(2) If you plan to go to Commander's Call on 29 Aug, please let Capt. Hagberg or Capt. Matheny know.  It is mandatory only for Group staff, commanders, and cadet advisory council members.  Attendance is optional for others.  Group staff has informed us that numerous developments in the group and wing will be discussed.
(3) C/CMSgt Matheny has been appointed primary Cadet Advisory Council member and C/SrA Hagberg as alternate for 505.
(4) The squadron plans to conduct a fundraiser at BiLo Market on 4 Sep, the Friday before Labor Day weekend.  We need enough manpower, seniors, cadets, or parents, to staff the hot dog stand and, hopefully, a table with a display inside the foyer of the store.  Please let Capt Hagberg know if you can help.
(5) Check you email for an announcement from the PAWG Cadet Advisory Council chairman, C/Capt Cocco regarding a CAC meeting on 19 Sept to organize the Cadet Conference that will be held in conjunction with the PAWG Conference on 16-18 Oct.  All PAWG cadets are invited to attend.
(6) Please keep track of when your membership is due to expire and plan to renew in advance.  If you allow your membership to lapse, you will not be able to renew on eServices and will have to do it by mail or phone.

See you Tuesday!

  Semper Vigilans!  

Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

22 August 2009

CAP "Find" in Idaho

From CAP Online news

August 21, 2009

IDAHO -- Civil Air Patrol searchers found a glider pilot's body on a mountainside at an elevation of about 9,250 feet in central Idaho's White Knob Mountain Range the morning of Aug. 21, about 15 hours after an aircrew had spotted wreckage while searching for the missing aircraft, the Idaho Statesman reports. Pilot Thierry Thys' 1998 Stemme S10-VT 19 had been reported missing about 10 p.m. Aug. 19 after he left Arco-Butte County airport.

Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

18 August 2009

Recruiting and Retention

The following thoughts are some I shared with our squadron. I thought they might be encouraging to others, too. I welcome comments.

This is a critical time for our Group and our Wing. There is much uncertainty about funding and how that will influence our overall effectiveness. The struggling economy had made it more challenging for our great volunteers to maintain their desired level of investment in CAP. Although current circumstances may make us feel a little frustrated and helpless, we can ease the situation a little by ramping up our recruiting efforts.

I understand the difficulty many of us are having in recruiting. I talk CAP to people nearly every time I am out. I've talked to so many people that, when I was manning our church display at our County Fair a few people asked me if I was there for the church or for CAP. The cost of membership has been less of an issue than people being hesitant to make a time commitment. Some of our previous squadron members lost interest because of other pursuits, some graduated HS and moved on, others just dropped out, but none because of the cost of membership.

Nonetheless, we can't let up on our recruiting efforts. Every one of us, if we are interested in the future of our organization, needs to be talking it up to others. We have been able to make some great accomplishments. We will be able to do even more, and contribute even more to our community, state, and nation if we can grow.

I am convinced that our organization has something great to offer to our community, state, and nation, and that all of our current members share that conviction. What can we all, cadets and seniors, do to help recruit new members and retain current members?

1) Attend meetings regularly and participate in unit activities, even if you have to come in late due to other commitments such as sports or work. Don't underestimate the influence that just being present has on other people. We were able to identify early in our existence as a squadron the importance of regular attendance. We cover a lot in some our our meetings, so it does not take long to get far behind our peers. The old adage goes, "An engine often starts missing before it quits." Its been my experience that if an engine is not properly maintained it may quit suddenly and unexpectedly.

2) Obey officers and wear your uniform properly. Military discipline and bearing compliment the wear of the uniform. Military bearing and discipline are impressive even when out of uniform, but a uniform can not cover up a lack of either. Uniforms need to be complete, clean, and properly worn. Haircuts and shaves are important to our overall appearance. We all need to take note that the first thing visitors do when they enter the room is look around. Orderly meetings and activities where military customs and courtesies are observed are impressive.

3) Advance education and training rapidly. The main thrust of CAP is to prepare people to be of service. This is the role of education and training. It is axiomatic that the more you know about what you are doing, and the more proficient and consistent you are in putting what you have learned into action, the more you will enjoy what you are doing. The more you enjoy what you are doing, the more committed you will be to it. This is true in every area of life, not just CAP. Don't fall into the trap of doing only what you feel you have to do, or it will only be a matter of time before you become disinterested and become ineffective or worse, drop out.

If you haven't already figured it out, the preceding points come from the CAP Cadet Pledge. Cadets commit it to memory, and hopefully, turn it to action. We seniors need to model the same commitment. All of the preceding points help build confidence in ourselves and in our organization, and will make us better members and recruiters. Take some time to become knowledgeable of our program and the different types of memberships available. Carry a couple of pieces of literature with you to hand out. Be proud and confident in who you are and in what you do! CAP is unique. Other organizations do some of the things that we do, but none do all of the things that we do, or do them as well!

Semper Vigilans!

Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

16 August 2009

NERPA505 Update

Greetings 505!  I hope everyone had a chance to visit the county fair!  The first few days were wet, but the last few were tolerable.

Lt. Orris reports that the wound on his leg is healing well and his doctor has encouraged him to swim at the YMCA several times a week to speed his recovery.  He hopes to find out on the 18th when his doctor will release him to return to work and firefighting.

Thanks to SSgt. Hyde, our local USAF recruiter, for visiting our meeting last week and presenting a couple of certificates of appreciation from the USAF Recruiting Service for our Color Guard.  I believe she plans to visit again to give a couple more certificates to Color Guard members who were not present last week.

(1) Tuesday night is emergency services night.  We're continuing to try to get as much signed off on GTM3 SQTRS as possible in view of another possible SAREX with the Clarion Squadron in September.  The uniform of the day is BDUs.
(2) Anyone who wishes to attend the upcoming Commanders Call on 29 Aug, please inform Capt Hagberg or me, especially if you need transportation.
(3) Its not too early to be planning ahead to attend the PA Wing Conference, Pittsburgh, on 16-18 Oct.  The PAWG Cadet Conference will be concurrent.  Everyone who can attend is strongly encouraged to do so.
(4) We hope to be able to get one fundraising event scheduled for the Friday before Labor Day.  Volunteers will be needed.  We will keep you informed on developments.

  Semper Vigilans!  

See you Tuesday!

Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

Fwd: Group Six Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call on 29 Aug 2009....

(The forwarded message below refers to the upcoming Group 6 Commanders' Call. It is mandatory that squadron commanders, group staff officers and cadet advisory council members attend. That includes, from our squadron, Captains Hagberg and Matheny, and cadets Evan Matheny and a second advisory council member. Attendance is optional for other members. -- Ch. Matheny)

To all Group Six Staff Members, Squadron Commanders, Squadron Staff and interested Members;
There is a Group Six Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call scheduled for Saturday, 29 Aug 2009 at 0930 hrs to approx. 1330 hrs at the Pa National Guard Armory, 840 North Hermitage Road, Hermitage, Pa 16148. This is the same location as the last Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call.
This will be an extraordinary Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call than normal. Please make every effort to attend this important Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call. Most likely our Wing Commander and/or our Wing Vice-Commanders will be in attendance. The Group Six Command Staff will have some very important announcements to make and over the next 2 weeks a lot of things are going to be happening in the Pa Wing that may cause you to have questions for us. Please if at all possible save those questions for the Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call and all your questions will be answered as they always have been honestly and forthrightly.
If you can not attend the Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call please call our Group Six Commander Maj Gary Fleming personally to explain why you can not attend. I would appreciate RSVPs so we know how many will be attending.
A final reminder... All Squadron Commanders remember that you need to have 2 Cadet representatives attend the Staff Meeting/Commanders' Call for the Group Six CAC meeting that also will be held.
Thank you and any questions feel free to email me or call me at 724-456-0150. DO NOT call our house as we are staying at the lake until 21 Sept 2009.
For The Commander,
Shelly Fleming, Capt
Chief of Staff
Group 6

Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol

10 August 2009

NERPA505 Update

Greetings 505! I hope everyone had a great weekend, and that you were able to stay dry. I apologize for not getting the update out last week. There were a lot of different things going on and computer problems added to the mix. Lt Orris is continuing to recover from his injury. He reports that he had been receiving skin grafts on the wound in his leg. We hope to see him back with us soon! Please keep him in your prayers.

(1) Tuesday is Character Development emphasis night. The uniform of the day is Class B AF blues for cadets, and blues or the alternate corporate uniform for seniors. Cadets should remember that they need to have attended at least one Character Development session per achievement.
(2) Thanks to cadets Daniel Hagberg, Evan Matheny, and Collin Matheny for participating as Color Guard in the SheffIeld Firemen's Parade on 1 Aug. They did a great job, in spite of the heat and the length of the march!
(3) If you were not at the last meeting, please remember to sign off on the safety briefing. It is posted on the bulletin board. The topics of fatigue and dehydration are important for this time of year.

Semper Vigilans!

See you Tuesday!
Randall F. Matheny, Chaplain (Capt.)
Group 6, PAWG 31
Civil Air Patrol